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Override default embeds with your own customized embed


  • Object

Converting EmbedBuilder to CustomizableEmbed

This option seems weird and un-intuitive ? Don't worry ! You can change your existing EmbedBuilder to CustomizableEmbed in one line !

const simplydjs = require('simply-djs')

const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Converting to CustomizableEmbed")

simplydjs.someFunction(interaction, {
embed: embed.toJSON()

The .toJSON() method changes your EmbedBuilder to APIEmbed which is identical to CustomizableEmbed


authorEmbedAuthorDataSets the author of the embed.
titlestringSets the title of the embed.
urlstringSets the url of the embed.
thumbnailstringSets the thumbnail of the embed.
colorColorResolvableSets the color of the embed.
descriptionstringSets the description of the embed.
fieldsAPIEmbedField[]Sets the field of the embed.
imagestringSets the image of the embed.
footerEmbedFooterDataSets the footer of the embed.
timestampDate/numberSets the footer of the embed.
export interface CustomizableEmbed {
author?: EmbedAuthorData;
title?: string;
url?: string;

thumbnail?: string;

color?: ColorResolvable;
description?: string;
fields?: APIEmbedField[];

image?: string;

footer?: EmbedFooterData;
timestamp?: Date | number | null;
// Removed the credit option

/** credit?: boolean; */